I feel angry about it, angry with the illness for stealing my ability to participate fully. I was glad for what I could do with the support of family - it was important for me to be there. In terms of energy cost though it was like a trip abroad with jet lag. I felt the same as when I'd come back from Malaysia once on an alcohol fuelled twelve hour flight.
The brown envelope of doom was waiting for me when I finally got back. I have been turned down for PIP on reconsideration. Zero points. I will have to appeal. What some members of this government are doing to sick and disabled people is just wrong. I say some members advisedly. It is not all of them, just the elite Eton Boys. They are tearing through our society like some sort of unstoppable juggernaut. I will do my bit, I will appeal this PIP decision.
I have picked up a virus whilst mixing with The Normals as I call them. It almost feels good to have something everyone else gets. My colds are not particularly any worse because of my CFS/ME. I often think it is a good sign, I have enough energy to produce an old-fashioned immune reaction.
I have picked up a virus whilst mixing with The Normals as I call them. It almost feels good to have something everyone else gets. My colds are not particularly any worse because of my CFS/ME. I often think it is a good sign, I have enough energy to produce an old-fashioned immune reaction.
Back soon.
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